One of the coolest things about having twins is watching them interact with each other and play together. Lola and Ellie have literally only been apart twice in their entire life, for about an hour each time. You can tell that they depend on each other for affection and interaction. It is so sweet to see them play together and discover one another.
It was not until this picture was taken (2 days ago) that the girls took a bath together. I was very afraid to bath two infants at the same time, but they are so connected that when I would give one a bath the other one would cry and crawl around the house until finding us in the bathroom. Ellie would sit right next to me and talk to Lola during her bath. So I decided that it was time to get a second bath seat and let them have fun in the tub as sisters.
Since Ellie is the more efficient crawler, Lola has taken to playing follow the leader. Where Ellie goes so goes Lola. Here they are playing kitchen together and then in the video they are making music together.