Time for Tuesdays with Dorie! I can't believe it's almost been a month since I posted, I've been baking along, but had some family medical issues to deal with. I'm exicted to get back into the swing of things and missed participating.
Thank you to Susan of Food.Baby, who picked Dorie's delicious Raisin Swirl Bread for us to bake this week. I love making yeasted breads, especially those with a little sweet mixed in. This bread had a secret ingredient that I've never used in a swirl bread, cocoa powder -- mixed right in with the cinnamon and sugar swirl! I loved it and now it has me thinking of other 'secret ingredients' to use in a swirl bread, like espresso powder, mmm!
Here is the bread ready for the oven!

Unfortunately I jumped the gun and cut this beautiful bread way too early so the slices weren't as pretty as they could have been. Still every bit as delicious thought, and since this was just for a family breakfast it really didn't matter. If I were to have this at a brunch I would definitely give it a few hours to cool so the slices were prettier.

Now how did this happen? Over eager children trying to find all the raisins -- which they love and wanted to eat seperately -- before finishing the bread, ha! Don't worry, none of it went to waste. This was a huge hit with the kids and the husband liked it as well. Will be making it again for sure :)