18 months....a year and a half

Lola and Ellie turned a year and a half yesterday. I can't believe it! They are 100% toddler at this point. They are consistently full on energy, are learning new words daily, and are continuing to become more individual every day!

As of now Lola's absolute favorite thing to do is swim (in any body of water). She is so daring and has absolutely no fear. She loves the slide and is 100% independent on any play structure. She can navigate the stairs and obstacles on her own to get the slide. She is also my cuddle bug, she is such the lover. She loves to kiss and hug her sister and her mommy and daddy.

For Ellie her absolute favorite thing to do is swing. I cannot say the word park without her screaming "swing" and running into her room to grab her shoes. She is so excitable and so very observant. She is much more fearful than her sister, possibly because she thinks too hard about the obstacle at hand. She is talking up a storm at a year and a half. I can't even give an estimate on how many words she says but it must be like 40 or 50 (basically she is a parrot she says anything). A few new ones are; Cheerios, coming home, ride daddy, diapers, hold you, get you, and exciting.

Here are a few shots we captured the last few days of our angels at 18 months.

Lola kissing sister

Little Monkeys

What a smile elle!