Chicken Egg Rolls

Chicken Egg Rolls

Here's the recipe for those famous egg rolls. I'd like to say the recipe is an ancient Chinese secret passed through the generations of the Wong family, but I actually got the recipe from Debbie Fredericks-Gillentine, who got it from her mom who got it from a Chinese woman they knew when they lived in Germany. The recipe isn't rocket science, it just takes some time and practice with the rolling. The main tip I have to offer is to make sure the filling is sealed in well, because when the oil gets inside, or the filling escapes into the hot oil, bad things ensue.
These are well worth the work, though. : )

Chicken Egg Rolls


  • 3-4 chicken breasts, cooked & shredded or finely diced
  • 1/2-3/4 head green cabbage, finely shredded (can purchase pre-shredded cabbage)
  • 2-3 cups broccoli, finely chopped
  • 2-3 cups cauliflower, finely chopped
  • 2-3 green onions, thinly sliced
  • 1-2 cups carrots, shredded
  • 1 cup potato, peeled & shredded
  • soy sauce, about 2 tablespoons, or to taste
  • black pepper, to taste
  • 1-2 packages egg roll wrappers
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • 1 egg, beaten & mixed with 1 tablespoon water
Mix cut veggies in a large bowl. Heat a large skillet & spray with Pam. Stir fry the veggies in two batches, adding the soy sauce and pepper just as the cabbage starts to wilt. Cook veggies until just underdone to your taste, as they will cook more when you fry the egg rolls. Place cooked veggies in large bowl and mix in chicken. Let mixture cool slightly before rolling. Heat oil, about 1-1 1/2 inches deep, in a frying pan. Lay out a wrapper, brush egg mixture on two adjacent edges, spoon as much as you can fit (3-4 tablespoons) into a wrapper, and roll according to package instructions. Fry egg rolls 4-5 at a time, turning as they get to a golden brown color. Remove to paper towels, or a wire rack to drain & cool. Enjoy.

All lined up to cool down