Oatmeal Breakfast Bread Muffins

I can't believe it has been so long since I've posted and this is my first post for August! We have had a tremendously busy and stressful month so far, my boys had surgery at Mott Children's Hospital on the 3rd, and I am so thankful that it went smoothly and my babies (they are 3 and 4 years old) are doing fine and almost completely recovered (my 3 year old still has 19 stitches on his head, but they are healing quickly). Since this is a food and cooking blog I don't go into too much detail about family life, but wanted to let my readers know what has been going on. All is well and things are slowly getting back to normal around here. We are currently getting our kids ready for the school season, my daughter is starting kindergarten this year and my four year old is starting pre-k (which is two days a week) -- we are super excited about this new journey for them. Anyway, back to baking...

It is time for Tuesdays with Dorie -- finally! I've missed a few and have some catching up to do. Today's selection is Oatmeal Breakfast Bread, picked for us to try by Natalie of Oven Love, thank you Natalie. You can find the recipe here if you do not have Dorie's Baking From My Home To Yours.

I decided to bake these in muffin form, and had some extra batter left after filling my muffin tin so I put the excess in my wedge pan. For my dried fruit I used Traverse City cherries and as an extra add-in I tossed in 1/2 cup of mini chocolate chips. My four year old helped me make these and had a wonderful time. They are an easy and delicious recipe and I'm sure we will be making these again. Picky husband did not want to try them, but all three kids loved these :)