Katherine's class is having an egg drop next week. You know, the kind where kids pack a raw egg inside some sort of protective container and drop it from the roof. It seems like a rather complicated project for 1st graders and I doubt that most of them really "get" it, but Katherine has been excited about the whole idea. As soon as Kate announced the upcoming event I delcared it a Daddy Project. The two of them have been talking about various things that protect, including bike helmets and bubble wrap. Tonight, they went shopping and brought home a dozen eggs and all sorts of packing material. It was time to experiment. The first step was to fill jars.
Katherine chose four different packing materials - marshmallows, popcorn, beans, and applesause.
Then it was time to drop the eggs. Rachel got in on the fun and was allowed to make the first drops - from approximately 3 feet.
The beans didn't work.
Katherine went next.
And then Steve.
Between each drop, Katherine kept track of the results.
One of the side effects of having a science teacher for a dad is you get to fill out official looking charts on your experiments. (Kate loved that part.)
Then it was time for the BIG drop - Steve on the roof from two different heights.
Then the eggs had to be checked once again.
The winner? Popcorn!
But Kate thinks the marshmallow packed egg cracked only because the jar landed weird. And what if we got a bigger jar and more marshmallows and popcorn? Can we try again tomorrow? I think we may have a another scientist on our hands...