It seems a little early in the season for broody banties, but that’s what I’ve got.
These two have gone on strike from their egg laying duties. In spite of the fact that their job descriptions have not changed, they have decided to make their sole function in life keeping eggs warm for their coop mates. They believe these eggs will actually hatch... shhhhh... I haven’t had the heart to tell them otherwise.
When the barred rocks need nest box time, they choose to sit next to Nelly. Can’t say I blame them. Gidget is way too mean.
Bailey keeps a watchful eye on the girls when they’re roaming the yard.
Other random things going on:
In spite of the crappy spring weather, we’re doing lots of short hikes. Since I’ve also been doing a bit of baking, these hikes are essential.
I’m waiting, rather impatiently, for the weather to warm so I can get the vegetable garden planted. I really want to grow some micro greens.
Has anyone had any luck growing micro greens from seed in the Northwest? If so, where did you find the seeds?
What are you planting this year?