The Yangjiang "Sisters"

We travelled to China with 7 other families when we adopted Katherine.  All 8 girls were from the same orphanage.  7 were born within a month of each other.  I remember looking around at all those gorgeous babies and hoping with all of my heart that they would remain in contact with each other.  I wanted Katherine to maintain ties to these girls who were her first friends.  Who knew her before we did.  It still amazes me that those hopes came true.

6 1/2 years have gone by and the Yangjiang Sisters are still friends.  We see them only once a year, but it always feels like a family reunion.  And in some ways it is.  This year we met the evening after China Camp at a big pizza/game place.  And, as always, it was wonderful.
6 of the 7 girls were there with their families.  They are all 7 years old now and have lost their little girl looks.  They are tall and snaggle toothed and silly.
They have so much fun together.  They compare their heights and show off their "tricks" and play little hand clapping games.  And they giggle.  A lot.
They also touch each other constantly.  They hold hands and stand with their arms around each other and lean on each other's shoulders. Katherine doesn't do that with her other friends, or even her family.  But with these girls, she is utterly at ease. 
I don't know if it is from deep-seated memories or from picking up on cues from their parents (who are always delighted to see each other), but the relationship between these girls is different, special.  They have a deep bond with each other.
And seeing all of those gorgeous little faces together always makes my heart sing.  I don't think I will ever get tired of that.