Fresh Beat Band- In concert!

The girls absolutely love the Fresh Beat Band (a Nickelodeon dance and music show)  and since the band decided to go on tour and stop in San Diego very close to the girls' third birthday, Tony and I decided to give the girls this concert experience as their birthday present (since we all know they don't need anymore toys). I'll have to say that Tony and I are a bit embarrassed about how much we enjoyed their birthday present too!
The concert was great!

The girls had to take their FBB coloring books with them!
If you notice they also decided to wear the dresses and bows I made for them- so cute!
We got down town a bit early and had some dinner before the show from one of the girls favorite places-
 Hot Dog on a Stick!

Concert Time at the Balboa Theatre Down Town!

It's Twist, Shout, Kiki, and Marina!
The girls have their first celebrity story- Shout came into the crowd during the concert and high-fived both of them, if you ask the girls about it they will tell you exactly what hand got the high-five. It was defiantly the high light of the concert.

"It was a great day, a super way to spend time together"
 -Fresh Beat Band