Earlier this week, while we were eating lunch, Aiden spied out of the corner of his big brown eyes a rogue marker lying on the counter top. As soon as my little observer spotted the incredibly-awesome-potential-mess-making vehicle he couldn't resist and said "Marker hold". I weighed my options and decided that although we were still eating our lunch taking a short interlude to make some impromptu art was worth the disruption, so I gave Aiden the marker and a few others that were lying around on the counter too. We didn't have any paper in the near vicinity, but Aiden, being the resourceful little guy that he is, grabbed a piece of paper towel that was on the table and started to dab the markers on the towel.
As you can imagine, the paper towel soaked up the ink from the markers and as Aiden used different colours, the ink mixed and created new colours. This was an excellent exercise in colour mixing, and even better as we were watching "Three Primary Colours" by OK Go. When Aiden finished his creations we put them up on the fridge for everyone to see. They really are quite stunning or as Aiden says when he walks by the fridge "Pretty". Here's the step-by-step if you want to try it yourself:
Paper Towel Pictures
Paper towels
Washable markers
1. Provide your little person with a sheet of paper towel and some markers.
2. Show your little person how to colour on the paper towel if they are new to markers.
3. As your little person makes marks on the paper towel, the ink will spread causing the colours to mix. Talk to your little person about the colours and how new ones are created when the ink mixes.
4. Hang up your little person's creation and marvel at it every time you walk by it.
Happy colour mixing,
Creatively yours,