The Drawing on the Coffee Table

There are several things that are pre-requisites for being a little person. Some of these things include not wanting to put on coats, jackets, shoes, toques or mitts before going outside (they just get in the way anyways), wanting to touch and/or put things in electrical sockets and a desire to draw/paint on any surface but a piece of paper.

In my effort to have a peaceful, happy household with an equally peaceful and happy toddler, I decided to encourage my little Picasso's love of creating his masterpieces on alternate canvases. Yes, this may backfire on day, but for now, when we have washable art materials, I say let the wild rumpus begin!

And how, you ask, did we do this? Window writers and bathtub crayons. I have to say, we have had an amazing time creating all kinds of artwork on our mirrors, glass top coffee table and bathtub. And seeing the look of sheer joy and excitement on Aiden's face as he colours these alternate surfaces is worth the few extra minutes it takes to windex the table, mirrors and tub.

Happy colouring,
Creatively yours,
Maya :)