Land Art

Last term we did Land Art with the kids during our Junior Landcare sessions. They were just beautiful lessons and the theme worked with a range of ages. I showed the children some pictures to inspire them, talked about Land Art, and sent them on their way, with around 1/2 an hour to play and create with natural materials. Some children worked in groups whilst others were happier on their own. They had a big vegie patch, native vegetation, and herb garden to draw materials from.



Not all the works of art were grand, some children were ambitious but ran out of time, but the process of creating was just as worthwhile. Children were picking and smelling, investigating form, shape colour. It was lovely to see the children recognise beauty in nature and then use it to create something magical. 

Creating Land Art seems more accessible to those who don't normally embrace art, the change in medium giving them the confidence to have a go. We went over time in a number of the sessions, with the kids happy to use up their recess in order to have more time to create. The children walked around and spoke about what they had created, some works were very conceptual whilst others were a more visual feast, the children seemed to relish having a chance to show and talk about their work.

I think creating Land Art would have to be one of my favourite outdoor activities to do with children.