Weekly Bake Off: Simnel Cake

Happy Easter everyone!

I hope you are enjoying the Easter weekend and have received a suitable amount of chocolate today!
This simnel cake is the last of my Easter bakes...after simnel muffins, hot cross buns, Easter biscuits and egg box mini cupcakes! Along with hot cross buns, I've never made simnel cake before so this was a good challenge. The cake itself was lovely and moist and looked rather pretty! There was also a layer of marzipan baked into the cake as you can see below.
This is also my entry into the Weekly Bake-Off where a different Mary Berry recipe is set each week which budding bakers make and submit for judging. You can check out the simnel cake round up here, once it's posted! If you want to make your own simnel cake you can find the recipe at My Kitchen Table.