Our girls are so lucky- their Christmas seemed to never end.
Our friends Monte and Kathleen came over to give the girls their Christmas surprise. Here they are waiting patiently in their Christmas dresses they kept on all day after wearing them to church.
Surprise... Big girl bikes.
So fun, the girls are very excited!
They actually tried these out this night in their dresses and all. They were able to ride like pros!
Lola, Kathleen, Ellie, and Monte.
We celebrated Christmas with Uncle MarK, Auntie Missi, Liam, and Aiden the day after Christmas.
These four munchkins always have so much fun together.
We had planned to fix a nice dinner, but the day got filled up so we feasted on Indian food take out - Yumm ! After the feast we opened some more gifts.
The girls got the best game ever, UNO for 3-5 year olds. We all had so much fun playing it together.
Time for the cousins to hit the hay and the parents to watch a movie... Too cute.
All four snuggled up in the girls bed! (It was a good idea, but as predicted not a lot of sleep was happening. We didn't quite mind after all it was Christmas.)
Good Night!