Dragons and the Bendigo Easter Parade

I love a good parade.  I have fond memories of the Christmas Pageant in Adelaide, where I spent some of my earlier years growing up, the sparkle and glamour looked pretty amazing through a five year olds eyes.  All that civic pride, the whole community there to watch, the kitschy dagginess, the proud smiles, the royal waves, the chance of receiving flying lollies, ....... so much to love.

The Bendigo Easter Parade did not disappoint. Firecrackers, dragons, old ladies in fashionable hats, the mayor, vintage cars, roller derby rock chicks, bunnies, belly dancers, bagpipes, stern men in skirts. A visual feast. I must confess to peering around the corner wondering when it would end, could there really be more? Yes, there was, much more, here come the swirling Hare Krishnas, giant jelly babies, and the Prostate Prevention Party, complete with men's shed, ace. The middle Bowerbird, who has a serious obsession with all things dragon, summed it up beautifully, "that was awesome mum". AWESOME. Not so awesome was his earlier post sugar melt down, that made me wish we'd gone back to bed with the paper.I do believe my procession needs are well and truly fulfilled, for a good few years.  

We rushed to catch our train home (they're very infrequent), only to find we were on the right train but it wouldn't be stopping at our station. How I was wishing that we had taken the easy, less sustainable option, and driven the car, with over tired children and exhausted parents, not relishing the thought of waiting around at another station for an hour. We made the best of a bad situation and went to Holgate's Brewery in Woodend for a fortifying ale. Beer can sometimes make things better, the time passed quickly, and we finally headed home our spirits lifted.

These pictures are in reverse, I uploaded them back to front and am too lazy to fix it. If you want to see the start of the parade go to the bottom and make your way slowly up to the petting zoo finale. I love it that Bendigo is so proud of it's Chinese heritage, and is apparently home to the longest imperial dragon in the world. 









Perhaps one day I will sit grey haired on a float, wearing a party hat, waving regally to to a crowd of onlookers. Let's Party! I just love their gusto.