Happy Easter - the hunt

 The children woke early, they could hear the squeals of delight from the neighbours kids.
 Still bleary eyed they dragged us outside into the Autumn chill for the hunt.

 Worth facing the brisk air to see the frenzied thrill of the Bowerbirds finding sparkling treasures.
We have had problems with possums eating the eggs in previous years, but the Easter bunny outwitted them this year.

 Something fresh for the bunny, he gets all the wholesome stuff.

A basketful collected and shared, ever so exactly. Always too many, naughty Easter Bunny.  We have each child's goodies under supervision. Last Halloween I took the laissez-faire approach, hoping the lollies would quickly disappear along with the nagging for more, this plan backfired and the children made themselves sick.

 A friendly neighbour spying on what all the squeals were about.
He was glad for a freshly pruned bit of pear tree for Easter breakfast.

We caught the train to Bendigo for the Easter Parade, dragon extravaganza, more pictures to come.

A beautiful Easter Sunday, hope you all had a great day too.