Spring has Sprung!

The girls have been enjoying spring! A few weeks ago we were in full forces getting our patio and "mini" garden ready for spring. We planted flowers (blue ones of course) and planted some organic herbs. The girls love playing in the dirt and were actually really good helpers. They helped fill the pots with soil, pour in seeds, water the new plants, and best of all clean up the mess!

We are growing cilantro, basil, parsley, and lemons on the patio. Almost every day the girls check the pots and most of the time Lola will come run and grab my hand with so much excitement and drag me outside screaming "mom, cilantro, look!" It is so great having all these herbs at your finger tips.
 But what would a patio be without flowers! Yes my Christmas Cactus blooms in spring!

Spring would not be complete without BUTTERFLIES!
About a week before going to the Wild Animal Park to see the butterflies, we started our own little butterfly farm at home. The girls were very curious about this whole process. I had read them a book about the butterfly life cycle and they loved the story but I don't really think they thought our little tiny caterpillars would actually turn into butterflies- well they did!
Here are out little scientist/observers at work!

After watching the caterpillars get bigger and bigger and eventually turn into cocoons we transferred them to our cage and hoped those cocoons would hatch. Well they hatched and of course needed food quickly. We picked some flowers from our potted garden and put them in the cage along with some cotton balls dipped in sugar water. The girls were pretty excited to see the butterflies, but I actually think our cats were more excited- We can't leave the cats in the room alone with the butterflies that's for sure!

We will release these little guys in a few days,
in hopes they will stick around our patio throughout the spring!