New Springtime Root Children

This Root Children edition is inspired by the classic children's book "The Root Children" by Sibylle von Olfers.
I got this book for christmas when I was about five years old and it is still touching my heart.

The root children sleep underground all winter until Mother Earth awakens them, and they get to work sewing their new clothes for Spring. The tiny flower children parade and frolick above earth as the seasons pass until Mother Earth beckons them back below ground for winter.

This Root Children Dolls are a great first doll for young children, They are very soft and cuddly. Their heads are sculpted in the traditional Waldorf style and their facial features are hand embroidered. They feature a cotton velvet jumpsuit and are handmade from only natural fibers.
The body of each doll is made of 100% cotton velvet, the skin is 100% swiss cotton interlock and they are stuffed with organic washed and carded wool.