While making this collage of images from 2009, I thought about the passage of time. Specifically, how quickly a year passes. The rate at which it passes seems to be relative to age. To a child, a year is seemingly an eternity, but as we get older, time passes much more quickly. Is that due to all the responsibilities we acquire? To my aging parents days seem long, but years still pass quickly.
The passing of time is a perception, not something we see, hear or touch, but something we perceive in relation to other things. Therefore, how quickly time passes for each individual is very different.
I am not big on making New Year's resolutions, since it seems like I don't stick to them anyway. But if I did make one resolution, it would be to enjoy my time and not think too much about how quickly it seems to pass.
Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go, I'm running late.