About Dollplay - Über das Puppenspiel

"Play with dolls is of special importance because it is one of the ways through which the child can externalize his own inner being."

Rahima Baldwin Dancy, You Are Your Child's First Teacher
Everything learned and experienced by the child can be repeated in doll play. If the child is progressing through something, the doll will do the same very soon, too.

"The Doll is special among toys, because it is an image of the human being. With the doll's help we can seek our own identity. We can reveal our own innermost thoughts, sorrows, and joys to our doll friend."

Karin Neuschütz, Das Puppenbuch

Play is the true work of our children, therefore whenever possible we should provide them with the best and highest quality play things. Less is often more. Providing less playthings but therefore in high quality does not automaticly mean to spend a lot more money. A good way to prevent an overflow of toys can be if more family members want to take a share on something special for an occasion like a childs bithday. Surrounding our children with handmade and natural toys means that their memories will be full of these natural, important, and handmade things, rather than toys that are unimportant, inexpensive and disposable.

"Die Puppe ist das zweite Ich des Kindes. Im Spiel mit Puppen übt sich das Kind darin, Gefühle auszudrücken und Erlebtes zu verarbeiten. In der Puppe sieht es sich selbst. Das Kind gibt der Puppe Leben, es beseelt sie mit seiner Phantasie."

Karin Neuschütz, Das Puppenbuch