15 years ago we danced at the zoo.
15 years ago we slept in a small room downtown.
15 years later, M and I have returned to enjoy some pampering, room service, shopping, sightseeing, and mostly... each other.

A hotel with a haunted past...
Constructed in 1927, The Heathman Hotel is a beautiful, independently owned, 150-room hotel in the heart of downtown Portland. All the rooms in the hotel that end in “03” have mysterious happenings. A visiting psychic, who saw a ghost at the end of the bed in room 803, theorized that someone may have jumped to his death, and is now haunting all the rooms he passed on his way down. Room 703 in particular is a hot spot. Guests who leave a clean room return to find a towel used, a glass of water out, a desk chair moved. Hotel records report no one used the electronic key to get in to the room. The incidents happen too often to be brushed off as a fluke. All the rooms in a particular column (703, 803, 1003) have reports of mysterious phenomena.
Here’s a peek at our suite, Room 417...

the living room...

A few blocks away. Pioneer Courthouse Square.

It’s not every day that you see a cat on a leash. This cat was obviously very curious about my camera. His owner claimed he was a therapy cat. Hmmmm. Not so close. I can’t focus.

When we returned from sightseeing, shopping, dinner, dessert... we found our room looking like this...

When we awoke, we found this...

and this...

and this...


I love the small details. This custom hanger is on the back of the bathroom door. I want one!

Snap. Snap. Back to reality. Now where did I put those tax papers I need to get in the mail?
Five pounds later... time to return to real life.