We didn’t let this put the kibosh on our plans though. We excused ourselves through the crowd of sometimes not so friendly women to get to a spot where we could get a view of the woman behind the blog I’d read every day for the last year.
An announcement came at 6:05 saying that Ree’s Jag had broken down and she would be helicoptered down soon. Hahaha! About ten minutes later, a flustered, tall, redheaded woman in jeans and boots rushed in telling us how her GPS led her to take a wrong turn on Cedar Hills Road... or byway... or lane... or boulevard. Somehow I was picturing Ree, her MIL and daughter being driven here in a limo. She actually drove herself? Did she search for parking in the crowded Powell’s lot just like the rest of us?

Ree answered questions from the audience, did her famous Ethel Merman imitation, then got down to business signing all those cookbooks some 500 women had clutched in their hands. After we heard her talk, and snapped a few photos, Iz and I left in search of a sushi restaurant. We ate, shopped in several nearby stores and swung back by Powell’s to see if the crowd had thinned. Nope. Ree was signing books from ticket number 90. It was going to be a long night. Off we went to do some grocery shopping. I told Iz I was a bit disappointed that I wasn’t able to get my books signed and have my photo taken with the Pioneer Woman. My insightful daughter said, “I’m sure it’s not the most amazing thing you’ll do in your life.” Thanks for putting things in perspective for me. She does her best to keep me centered. I’m still bummed. I do possess two “The Pioneer Woman Cooks” cookbooks though.
I found myself contemplating what makes this woman idealized by so many women. Is it because she appears to live a perfect life that reads like a romance novel? She is, in fact writing her life story and the movie rights have already been purchased. When asked who does she want to play her, she said “Reese Witherspoon has expressed an interest.” Ree... Reese. She went on to point out that’s as far as similarities go. Ree is a tall 5'9" redhead. Reese, “blonde, petite, and narrow.” When asked who she wants to play Marlboro Man, she said she’s not telling.
Ree is as charming and likable in real life as she appears to be on her blog. I want to hate her because she seems to have it all. But I can’t.
This is Ree’s daughter. She’s 12. It’s always good for Iz to see a fellow tall 12 year old. Especially one who seems proud of her height. She’s very poised. Too bad she and Iz didn’t get to meet.