Grandma and Poppi's weekend

My parents came down for the long weekend. We all had so much fun and did so many things. We went to the park, swimming, shopping, to the Zoo, and much more!
Lots of Morning cuddles for Grandma
Lot of Ellie screams for Poppi (she did come around the last day of their visit)

Lola loves playing Legos with Poppi

too much fun! Aiden gave the girls his first bike (the girl's love it)

They also loved playing at Aiden's house with all his toys!
Day at the Zoo

Ellie and Mommy

mark and Aiden hanging from the elephant's tail.

Elle, Lo, Aiden (hiding), Grandma Mar, and Poppi riding the Polar Bear

too cute, these sisters held hand throughout the zoo, check out the video.

Train ride with Poppi... Ellie finally came around and let Poppi play with her!

Two divas, Auntie Missi and Little Lola headed out for a shopping trip.