Christmas Season is Under Way!

Saturday was full of Christmas fun!
(well Tony and I thought it was fun anyway)
You would have thought I asked them to stand on a pile of hot coals for this picture. I don't know if it's the terrible twos creeping up on us or if they were really dreading the impeding visit to Santa mom had planned?

Well I reassured them that they did not have to sit on Santa's lap...they calmed down a bit and I got this cute picture! On a side note: I can't believe how tall my Lola is getting, look at her towering over her sister!
Well we were off to the Christmas festival at my friend's work. At the festival there was crafts, food, and of course Santa. Below are the only two pictures I got of the afternoon because once we walked into the building the girls were literally glued to me. Ellie spotted Santa within two seconds and screamed bloody murder which made Lola start hysterically crying (mind you Santa was all the way across the room). Needless to say, our visit to the festival lasted only a few minutes before I had to take my screaming daughters back to the car. Ellie's mantra on the way home was "I dun like Santa", "I dun like Santa" and Lola's was "Home, Home mama"
Ellie, miss scaredy cat
and Lola, miss party pooper!
They were much happier campers once we got home. Uncle Shaun and Auntie Katie sent them their Christmas present early. They sent this super cool kitchen! I spent their nap time setting it up and when the girls woke up we had Shaun and Katie waiting on skype to see the girls react to their first Christmas gift. It was very cute, they even starting feeding Uncle Shaun and Auntie Katie imaginary food they had just prepared via the computer!

So fun! I know the girls will get hours and hours of play out of this toy!
Thanks Auntie Katie and Uncle Shaun!
What would all this Christmas fun be without a Christmas tree, so that evening we headed out to find the perfect tree with Emma, Uncle Drew, and Auntie Sara.

Tired Lola and Emma

Excited Ellie and Daddy

Ellie and Uncle Drew

Lola is way to cool for school... with Emma and Auntie Sara

We walked away with three perfect trees, ours is a little 4 foot grand fir that will fit perfect in our living room. Decorated tree pics to follow :)
We are so looking forward to this Chirstmas Season! The girls are at such a fun age!