Our pick for Tuesdays with Dorie this week is a chocolate cookie with some oatmeal mixed in called Chocolate Oatmeal Drops. These cookies were picked for us to try by Caroline and Claire of Bake With Us, thanks girls! I made a half recipe of these since we have so many sweets around from Valentine's Day. I'm running a little late posting these, I thought I'd make them for an after school snack today, and guess what, today is a special day because my baby girl (who is now 5 and 1/2, oh how the years fly by) lost her first tooth at school!

I had to snap this photo as soon as we got home, it is her bottom left middle that is missing, and I seem to remember that as her very first tooth, first to come in and first to leave, I guess. She was so very excited about losing this tooth. I guess it was an orange at lunch time that gave her tooth the little nudge it needed to finally come out. When this tooth was first loose a few days ago, daddy asked her how much she thought the tooth fairy would bring and she said "twenty bucks" we'll have to see if that tooth fairy delivers tonight :)
One more shot of these yummy cookies, the kids liked them and even though chocolate cookies aren't usually my favorite, I thought these were very good and I loved the slightly crispy edges and chewy, softer middle texture of these. I also loved how easy these were, perfect for when you want a quick chocolatey snack. Yum!