Yesterday we had a family BBQ to help Lola and Ellie celebrate their 2nd Birthday (That's right their 2nd birthday, I can't believe it either). Elmo and Cookie Monster stopped by to help them celebrate too!
The Mezzadri Birthday Family photo!
Elmo invasion...I had so much fun making all these decoration, a circle cutter does wonders!
(p.s. look at their long hair, where did that come from?)
Yeah, the guests are here!
Uncle Drew, Auntie Sara, Monte
Kathleen & Ellie
Monte, Daddy, Emma, Lola
Aiden & Missi

I made the girls cake. I uses a fruit roll-up and a cookie cutter to make the Elmo topping. I am not sure the girls even noticed, they were too focused on the act of eating the cake!
They had real candles this year...such big girls!
They needed a little help blowing them out!
Aiden liked the cupcakes too!
Classic...can't get much happier than that, right Lola?
Classic BBQ
Just look at that smile.
They got tons of new books!
The also got new sandals, a Juicy Couture sweat outfit, and broom. Ellie is sporting the new cloths while helping mom clean up!
What a fun day... and their actually birthday is still four days away. At least I can say they are just one for four more days (even though Ellie refers to herself as "2 months old")
Happy Birthday Girls, Hope You Enjoyed Your Party.