I took today day off work to help the girls celebrate their 2nd birthday!
It was such a great day!

The girls got a few gifts from us for their birthday. Quite a while ago the girls got this easel from our friends Kathleen and Monte but no that they are a little taller we decided to set it up for them on their birthday and we stocked the easel with paints, paper, chalk, and smocks. They also got piggy banks...which they were VERY excited about! They kept saying "I'm saving money" when they would put their pennies in it...we're teaching them good habits early.

A Yummy birthday breakfast of cinnamon rolls!!

Smocks on... and ready to paint! Sissy hugs for encouragement.

After playing and relaxing in the morning we headed out to the
"New San Diego Children's Museum" with Daddy and Emma. This place was great, I think the girls had a ton of fun. Ellie kept saying "no go home" every time we would leave one exhibit and go to the next. Because we had such a great time we ended up getting a year pass to the museum with the girl's birthday money they received from Cousin Joanie!!! Thanks Joanie, we get to have fun all year!

Lola and mommy are molding clay!


(Twice in one day, lucky girls)



In the evening we went to dinner with Uncle Mark, Auntie Missi, Aiden & Liam at Smash Burger. Great time and Great food!

and Yummy Frozen Yogurt for Desert.

The Cousins are definitely enjoying their birthday desert!

Happy Birthday baby girls, we hope you enjoyed your day as much as we did.
Looking foward to another fun, exciting, and great year together!