Our French Fridays with Dorie recipe of the week is for a Basque Potato Tortilla. I have to be honest and admit that I was not too excited about this one since I am not an egg fan, but I made a mini version hoping the kids would enjoy it. I am trying my best not to miss FFwD and like to expose my kids to many different foods, even if they aren't my favorite, to expand their culinary palates. Also, I keep thinking one day I will try an egg dish and like it, taste buds change over time, so I had to give this a go.

This recipe starts out with potatoes and onion that are browned in a cast iron skillet. Yummy! I pulled out my mini cast iron skillet, happy to have an excuse to finally use the thing :) I decreased the ingredient amounts to 1/3 of the original recipe.

After cooking the tortilla on the stove for 8 minutes, it is then broiled for a minute or so under the broiler. My tortilla puffed up a ton, but fell soon after it exited the oven.

No problems with releasing this little guy from the pan. Whew! I was a little nervous about that.

I cut it into eight tiny triangles and the kids were eager to give it a try. I hyped up this recipe and how yummy it would be. Notice the little fingers going for a slice on the above photo. At first bite the kids all said it was good, my oldest called it a potato pie. Then a second bite, and the opinions changed, "it's a little good, but a little lame," said my three year old son. Uh-oh, nothing worse than a lame tortilla! Then my four year old son told me it was good, but he didn't want to eat it right now, he did later come back and finish his piece, yay! My daughter ate about three bites of her tortilla triangle, but didn't finish it. Sigh, I guess they get their egg taste buds from their mommy.

Will have to report back later once picky husband gives this a try, we will save the rest for him. He likes eggs and potatoes so this one might be a winner with him. Even though this isn't a new favorite (pending picky husband's taste test, who knows, he might love it) it was still a fun recipe to try, it was nice to see the components come together and the finished tortilla.