We Could Be Weathermen

It was 70 degrees just a few days ago, but none of us were at all surprised to get phone calls late last night warning us that school was cancelled for today.  We didn't need to read any meteorology reports or check the Weather Channel to know that it was going to be nasty.  You see, it's always nasty on or very near Katherine's birthday!  She has had her parties postponed more than once, Snow Days called, and out-of-town relatives driving in snow storms.  So, you can mark your 2012 calendars now - it will snow on January 31st! 
The girls have spent their whole Snow Day at Granny and Poppy's.  I heard plans of a picnic in front of the fire.  When I left them, they were wearing straight-from-Hawaii grass skirts and coconut "bras".  Perfect clothes for blowing snow and -15 windchill, don't you think?
I've sat at home doing not much of anything.  Steve has been way too productive (working on taxes on a Snow Day?) and then went out to tackle the snow.
And we already got the call that Steve, at least, gets another Snow Day tomorrow.