We are so lucky to such wonderful and supportive parents and Whanau at Mairtown Kindergarten. Fergus’s dad (Glenn) often pops in, with his guitar and has a little waiata session with the children. Have a look at the videos we took today.
This is a real treat for the children and they really look forward to Glenn coming in; here is what some of them said about Glenn’s visits:
Fergus “I like singing ‘in the jungle’ and ‘the yellow submarine’.
Briah-Rose “I like him coming into Kindy because he sings ‘yellow submarine’ and I like ‘yellow submarine’. I really like singing all the songs”.
Nathan “It’s cool when he comes”.
Brearna “I like the new song, the one Kim sung, it’s ‘this little light of mine”.
Heidi “I like it, I like singing. My favourite is the ‘yellow submarine’”
Music (pūoro) and singing (waiata) encourages a release of physical and emotional energy, expression and creativity. Literacy skills develop with an increasing awareness of how words in songs relate to sounds.