Katherine has been playing summer rec soccer the past couple of weeks. Most days, I drop her off and go home to shower or run errands. But this morning Rachel and I went to see her play. (Well, I went to see her play. Rachel was busy introducing all the other younger siblings to the joys of rolypoly hunting.) Katherine's soccer group consists of 2 girls and 20-some boys. This does not seem to bother her. They started off by stretching. Kate, of course, is quite good at this.
Then it was off to run some drills. Katherine has never played soccer before, so her skills aren't as advanced as the other kids', but she works hard.
And she really seems to enjoy it.
And then it was time to play for a while. Katherine, by nature, is pretty much a defensive player. She is not at all aggressive and doesn't care to fight over the ball.
But she never takes her eye off the ball. And when it comes near, she's ready. (You can't see the ball here, but she just kicked it hard!)
And she loves playing.