summer fun- delay

I get to be a stay-at-home mom three month out of the year and that is truly what we having been doing this first week of summer -staying at home. My poor babies have been under the weather with some sort of stomach flu for the past few days. Needless to say I have been nurse mommy as well as a mom who has done a lot of laundry and disinfecting. Tony and I were scared with this bout of sickness because our girls have never thrown up in their lives (we have been lucky). It broke my heart in two when I had to hold my babies while they got sick and there was nothing I could do. But I was very grateful that I was able to stay at home with them and be their comfort.

The good news is we are seeing the light, the girls are feeling better, though I am still afraid to veer too far from the BRAT (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) diet anytime soon.

Love you Angels... you have been such troopers!