Mt Bishop Walk
Wilsons Promontory National Park
Victoria, Australia
Tree Fern fronds unfurling
Morel mushroom
Greenhood Orchid (Pterostylis sp.)
Correa reflexa, Running Postman (Kennedia prostrata), Dillwynia sp.?
Galls on Eucalyptus leaves
New growth on Banksia sp.
Creamy Candles - Stackhousia sp.
New growth on Eucalyptus sp.
Burnt and growing Grass Tree (Xanthorrhoea sp.), Wilsons Promontory was recovering from fire when we visited it last year, and this year it had only just reopened after serious floods. Amazing to see nature recovering.
flood damage
Wattle Lomandra
Love Creeper (Comesperma volubile)