Imagination and Goodbye Holidays

I doubt that the imagination can be suppressed. If you truly eradicated it in a child, he would grow up to be an eggplant. 
Ursula K. Le Guin (One of my favourite authors, she knows plenty about imagination)


We found 1/2 a test tube of Instasnow in the downstairs clean up. We split it in two and added red food dye and blue food dye. I left the kids alone with the water and they added a little bit at a time.  The snow really grows - it looks pretty cool as it puffs and expands, drawing excited oohs and squeals from the Bowerbird kidlets. When I returned much later the young scientists had mixed colours, built snow castles, made valleys, spooned and squidged and made a big mess. The little one and middle one have played heaps together on the school holidays.  Imaginary animal games, doll houses, board games, hide and seek, silly jumping laughing, who knows what they are doing games. So interesting how the family dynamic changes as they grow, last term it might have been more the older and youngest bowerbirds playing.

They have been loving their new chalkboard.  Those red dots are cherries. The little one likes to make up words too, I think the blue lines were tankatrons. Of course they are.

Goodbye Spring school holidays, we are going to miss the slower pace of life. The last of my Wilsons Promontory Pictures, definitely a holiday highlight.

A special thanks to Kimbamel who had me gardening at her place on Saturday, a whole day of good food and gardening, and staying up too late watching vampires. Sometimes a day without the kids really gets you back in the happy mummy zone.

I am linking up with Play Ideas today as she is talking about imagination this week -