Our littlest loves sand. She's just seen this photo and said "I want to do that again, again". Leaving the beach can result in tantrums.
This is our sandpit. We got a quote to fill it a while ago, and it was going to cost $100 - oh - maybe not this week. Or any week in the near future. It's amazing the fun you can have with just a skerrick of old dirty sand.
The little Bowerbird is "washing" dolly with sand here. She's not really an outside toy but little bowerbird was so absorbed in play I decided not to make a point of it. What are toys for, if not to have fun with?
She's very clean now.
No sandpit is going to compare to this gigantic playground, a shame the closest beach is an hour away.

For more good times with sand check out 1000 Homes of Happiness and her Sunday Playlist. A new theme to encourage outdoor play with kids will be revealed each week.
And, for more play ideas check out http://momandkiddo.blogspot.com/2011/10/weeekend-snapshots-after-school.html

Don't forget to enter my giveaway, especially if you like birds.