the everyday...

The girls have been into trains for a very long time now, but they have just started making trains out of our chairs and stools. These trains take them to the park, the store, the station, to Sea World, the doctors- anywhere they can possible imagine. Of course, I ride along on these "adventures" and usually get roped into to chanting "chugga, chugga, chugga, choo choo." while pumping my arms up and down. It is really nice to see them using their imagination and playing so well together.

Okay, so this is how I found Lola when I went into to check on the girls during their nap the other day. I was so surprised that my laughter actually woke Lola up. Good thing she is a slow riser- I was able to run and get my camera to snap this shot (by the way they are dish washing gloves that somehow made it into their bedroom).

Since the day I found I was having two girls, I knew I had to perfect my hair braiding skills. I have always loved little girls in french braids, but have never really learned how to do it. Now that Ellie's hair is a bit longer, I have been able to practice a bit- I was pretty proud at this attempt (at least it resembles a french braid) Mo - does this make you proud, you have taught me all  I know about hair braiding hair.
p.s. check out my "goofy girl" -those faces of hers.
Ellie response to me when I call her My Goofy Girl is "no mommy, I'm Mickey Mouse."