The Birthday Celebration List
1. Make a Happy Birthday banner and decorate it with crayons, markers, stickers and paint.
2. Make birthday hats from paper, cardboard, miscellaneous recyclables, Lego, stuffed animals, and any other materials we can find.
3. Go on a parade while wearing our various birthday hats.
4. Wear outfits in the favorite colour of the birthday person. If you don't know the favorite colour of the birthday person, wear outfits in a colour that begins with the same letter as the birthday person's name, for example Aiden and I are wearing red today.
5. Sing Happy Birthday to the birthday person's photo as many times as they are old during the day.
6. Create a special birthday song using various musical instruments and/or pots and pans and kitchen gadgets. Hold a concert for all the stuffed animals to debut the song.
7. Go on a Birthday Alphabet Walk: on your walk point out as many things as you can that begin with the first letter of the birthday person's name.
8. Play birthday games like musical chairs or pass the parcel in honour of the birthday person.
9. Make portraits of the birthday person or birthday cakes out of play dough.
10. Have a meal eating only things that begin with the first letter of the birthday person's name...lucky us, we get risotto!
Happy Birthday Auntie Rachie!
Creatively yours,
Maya :)