If you have an uber-active-don't-like-sitting-down-in-my-high-chair-for-more-than-10-minutes little guy like I do you will recognize the challenge of getting food into your little person. We have tried a few things like using a booster seat instead or the high-chair, taking the tray off the high-chair and putting it closer to the table, using only the waist straps and watching sesame street videos on YouTube (hey at least they are educational!). These solutions usually work for lunch and dinner but breakfast is another story.
One morning I decided that I didn't want to fight the Breakfast War so instead of putting Aiden in his high chair and bringing his breakfast to the table I scooped him up off of the floor, took his breakfast and my breakfast into the living room, turned on Kids CBC and let Aiden wander around while I set up a Breakfast Picnic. I laid out a blanket and put both of our plates on the blanket just like I would if we were outside. I cut up Aiden's food into bite sized pieces and made several stacks of 5 or 6 Cheerios so that Aiden could come and go as he pleased, taking a bite at a time while he played with his toys and watched tv. And sure enough it worked. He ate his entire breakfast (which is a huge accomplishment for him as he's not a great eater) and then some on top of that. So from that day on we've had a Breakfast Picnic everyday. Take that, Breakfast War!
Creatively yours,