I just sent in my email to officially take part in the new Tuesdays With Dorie group! I've been debating whether or not I should join the group officially or just kind of follow along on my own since I wasn't sure if I'd be able to keep up, but the group leaders changed the rules around a bit this time to make it easier for people to participate, so I'm just gonna go for it and try my best not to fall behind. Each month will only have 2 recipes assigned, so they'll be bi- or tri-weekly rather than weekly like the first TWD group (which I'm so happy about b/c that was the main source of my ambivalence in joining), and we have to make at least one of the two recipes for the month. Despite my track record I think I can manage to post something once a month ;)
They've just posted the first recipes for the month of February, they are:
Feb 7 - White Loaves
Feb 21 - Chocolate Truffle Tartlets
I've never made yeasted bread or any kind of tartlets before so this should be interesting. I'm so nervous and so excited at the same time! This is really going to push me out of my comfort zone and into new, unchartered baking territory (within my kitchen at least). I have a feeling I'm going to be accumulating a lot of new bakeware in this endeavor...not that I'm complaining about that ;)