It was a dark and quiet Friday morning...too quiet if you ask me. A little boy and his Mom were in the living room eating breakfast and colouring.
Meanwhile, upstairs an evil villain was up to no good. He was rearranging all the letters on the boy's alphabet mat and hiding some of the letters around the house all in an attempt to divert attention away from his real dastardly crime...stealing the letter M.
The evil villain thought he had committed the perfect crime. You see he stole the letter M while it was fast asleep so it couldn't cry out for help, or so the evil villain thought. In truth the letter M was just pretending to be asleep. While the evil villain was not looking the letter M scribbled a note for the boy and his Mom:
"Help, I have been letter-napped by an evil villain. I don't know where he is taking Me but I will leave clues for you. I heard the evil villain say something about needing a snack. Please find Me."
The letter M didn't have time to sign the note but he was pretty sure that the boy and his Mom would figure it out. He left the note on the boy's dresser, knowing that the boy would find it when he got dressed for the day.
Sure enough the boy found the note. He enlisted the help of the Amazing Alphabet Detectives: Detective A and Detective M.
Detectives A and M got straight to work. They devised a fool-proof, find the missing letter plan:
1. Dress up in our detective gear.
2. Make detective badges.
3. Secure the crime scene with a cloud of evil villain fighting bubbles.
4. Make a poster of all the letters in the alphabet and review them to make sure we know all the letters.
5. Take an inventory of all the letters present and accounted for in the room.
6. Go on a preliminary search for the rest of the letters. Check the letter off the list when they have been found.
7. Determine which letter is missing.
8. Use our senses to figure out any clues from the note.
9. Follow the clues to find the missing letter and catch the villain.
Detectives A and M, being the brilliant minds that they are, followed the clues.
First they went to the kitchen to see if the evil villain had left any evidence from his snack. All they could find was a banana peel and a few banana chips on a plate. Detective A looked closer at the banana chips. The banana chips were left in the shape of the letter M. They had discovered that the letter M was missing or was the letter M another clue?
Then Detective M discovered some round footprints on the ground. The footprints went all the way to the basement door. They went to the door and noticed that the door handle was sticky and smelled like bananas. Hmm, the evil villain must really love eating bananas.
As they opened the door and looked down the stairs Detective A found some brown fur.
"Hmm" said Detective M "What do brown fur, bananas, the letter M and round footprints have in common?"
"Monkey" yelled out Detective A.
"Yes. And where would a monkey be?" asked Detective M.
"Treehouse" yelled Detective A.
They quickly ran down to the treehouse in the basement. Sure enough they found Thelonius T Monkey in the treehouse with the letter M.
"Rats, I've been foiled again" said Thelonius T Monkey.
Detectives A and M took Theolnius T Monkey into custody and returned the letter M to the alphabet mat with his other letter friends.
And that was our alphabet detective adventure!
Happy sleuthing,
Creatively yours,
Maya :)