This Mississippi Mud Pie is our second January selection for Club: BAKED, thank you to Jess at The Saucy Kitchen for this pick. You can find the recipe here at Jess' site if you do not have the book Baked Explorations.

This was my first time making a Mississippi Mud Pie. According to the book there are two types of Mississippi Mud Pie, this one, which is kind of like a coffee ice cream pie, and another that is more chocolately without ice cream. I have had the later chocolatey Mississippi Mud Pie before at restaurants, but had never heard of this coffee ice cream version which is apparently very popular down south. The pie starts with a chocolate cookie crumb crust, I used some oreos sans middles, you can see one of my kids trying to grab a left over oreo middle (these were the berry ice cream flavor oreos).

The next ingredient is a fudge layer which is then topped with coffee ice cream. I made my own with a recipe from the book The Ice Cream Bible which was absolutely delicious. I don't use my ice cream maker that often and when I do schlep it out to make some ice cream for one of my baking groups I always wonder why I don't use it more often since it is so fun to make homemade ice cream. The kids love watching it churn and I have to admit, I like to watch it too.

This recipe was a lot of fun to put together, the kids had fun helping with almost every step. The whole family was very excited to finally try this one for dessert after the fudge drizzle set up. The kids loved this and I thought it was pretty delicious too. It was too sweet for picky husband, which I can totally understand, it was very sweet, but I think that's part of the charm of a Mississippi Mud Pie :)