Music Video Monday: Letter M Day

The Rundown
We stumbled on this video several weeks ago and it quickly went to the top of Aiden's favorite videos list being requested almost every time we have a video session. The video features a boy who raps about his day with his new friend, the letter M.

Why We Love It
Not only does this video teach little people about the letter M, it also teaches about story telling, rhyming and rhythm, which are all excellent skills for a little creative toddler. the animation uses drawings that look like doodles that kids (both little and big) would draw in the margins of their notebooks. It's simple, not too flashy and definitely harkens back to the old-school Sesame Street videos that I used to watch when I was young.

Creative Extensions
1. Letter M Puppet.
Make a letter M puppet with your little person: Draw a big letter M on construction paper, cut it out and have your little person decorate it with various art supplies. Stick the finished M collage onto a Popsicle stick.
2. My Day With The Letter M.
Go on an adventure with your new M friend. Take the M puppet with you during the day and take photos throughout the day. Print out the photos and stick them to construction paper. Write a caption underneath each picture. Punch holes at the edge of each page and tie them together with yarn or ribbon to make a book out of your day with the letter M. Make sure your little person creates a cover for the book. Read the book with your little person. This is also an excellent way to talk to your little person about daily routines.
3. Making friends.
In the video the boy makes friends with the letter M. Talk to your little person about how to make friends and play with other kids. Practice the friend making skills with their stuffed animals. The next time that you are on your way to a class or playgroup or playdate remind your little person of the friend making skills and ask them to practice those skills at the event.

The Video

Happy letter M day,
Creatively yours,
Maya :)