The Rundown
In this Kids CBC video, the all-girl group, Done with Dolls, pay a visit to Mamma Yamma to pick up a casserole that she was supposed to make them. The Dolls find Mamma in a tizzy about how to get everything done so they teach her how to use a calendar and sing about the days of the week.
Why We Love It
Guitars, cute girls, rocking tune and something to learn - what more could a little guy want?!
Creative Extensions
1. Make days of the week puppets out of paper bags, popsicle sticks, socks and other miscellaneous craft supplies. Make up stories and put on a puppet show about what each day of the week likes doing.
2. Make a poster board sized calendar and have your little person decorate it with various craft supplies. Fill in the calendar with your little person and talk about the activities they do each day of the week.
3. Sing other days of the week songs like the Happy Days theme song:
Sunday Monday Happy Days,
Tuesday Wednesday Happy Days,
Thursday Friday Happy Days,
Saturday 7 days, Groovin all week with you!
or The Days of the Week sung to the Addams Family theme:
Seven days of the week (snap, snap)
Seven days of the week (snap, snap)
There's Monday and Tuesday
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Saturday and Sunday
There's seven days of the week (snap, snap)
The Video
Happy days,
Creatively yours,
Maya :)