3rd Grader

Katherine started 3rd grade today.
She loved it, but that is no big surprise.  She was a bit annoyed that they spent most of the day trying to get organized and did very little actual work.  She was hoping to jump right in to cursive and multiplication.

Despite my reservations about 3rd grade, I really love the stage Katherine is in right now.  She is just fun to be with.  I read a book by Anne Lamott this summer and loved the line "There is nothing more helpful or capable than an 8 year old girl."  That sums up Kate quite well!  She loves to help (as long as it does not include picking up her own room) and is truly good help.  As for the capable part, my own 8 year old self is in awe (and a little bit jealous) of Katherine.  She sews.  She cooks.  She plays tennis.  She sings beautifully.  She acts.  She plays the violin.  She's an excellent student.  Everyone likes her.  She's good at so many things, but she has great compassion for others and is always looking out for the underdog.  And I think this is the quality that I love best about her.  Right now, I enjoy doing just about anything with Katherine.  I might even survive being the mother of a third grader if  helpful and capable are part of the deal.