The Earth Laughs in Flowers

Bitterly cold here today, but everywhere there are joyous signs.
 Big bold Camelias, luring in Wattle Birds and Eastern Spinebills, for me to watch from my lounge.

The window view is more often than not, marred by wet washing. 
Winter roses add a blush of colour near our front door. 
 Snow Drops, reminding me of my Ballarat Nanna who loved bulbs.

Daisies and Correas 

 The neighbourhood is alive with variously arranged pom poms of gold. A giant Cootamundra Wattle greets me with its musky scent, every time I return home. 
A Golden Wattle smothered in Clematis.

Lacey Hakea flowers softening those dramatic spikes. 
  Taming of the Pigface - we have rediscovered our garden's edge.
Even with snail holes they are lovely - it's going to be a big year for pansies and violas at our house, I may have gotten a little carried away. My Mildura Nanna always grew beautiful beds of these.
We tried introducing Cumquat and Babushka to the garden, they were terrified.  I think they may have always been indoor guinea pigs.
A new Holland Honeyeater in full song. 
Little birds fill the air with their chorus every time the rain stops, I share their joy.
  Magpies are gathering nesting materials and yodelling.
The weeds are running riot over our violets. 
 The first daffodil has arrived.
 Chives re-emerge after a winter sojourn and are quickly gobbled up.
  Just need the bees to do their bit and we should have an abundance of broad-beans.

 A delicious spear of Spring.

 "Earth laughs in flowers" 
Ralph Waldo Emerson

linking up with Squiggly Rainbow's