Why September Is Special

The second full week of September is always an exciting time around our house.  Katherine's referral came that week, the day we first heard her name and saw her sweet little face.  Rachel joined our family that week.  (We flew to China three years ago today!)  And this is always the week our town hosts a huge bluegrass festival, so the whole community is throwing a party.  There is music in our hearts for many reasons.

Today was Bluegrass Sunday at our church.  It's one of the best Sundays of the year! (And for all of you who think bluegrass is just duelin' banjos, the Bluegrass Festival has banjos, but also folk, "old time", cowboy, and my favorite - Celtic music.)  A loosely organized group from the festival campgrounds showed up to play hymns and Irish jigs and reels during the service.
The children's moment included instructions on how to play the slinky!  While not exactly a traditional instrument, it turns out that you can keep time with a slinky and it makes a cool sound.
Rachel thinks every Sunday should be Bluegrass Sunday!
After church there was an enormous potluck dinner.  Then the musicians started up again, amid much laughter and some dancing.
Our dear friend Roger took Rae right in the middle of the musicians for some true surround sound.  The banjo player even held out his banjo and let her try it out!
Katherine got more lessons in slinky playing.
And someone passed out egg shakers for the younger kids.
The music was happy and infectious and made you want to dance.  And Rachel knows that when your heart is full, you just gotta dance!
This time of year brings back such sweet memories for me.  And every September adds more.