Comfort and Joy

Today was a day of music at church.  The children sang their Christmas songs and the choir sang a Christmas cantata and it was beautiful.  The mood at the beginning of the service was somber, in light of the horror that happened in an elementary school in Connecticut this week.  Our pastor spoke about that a little and then assured us that the best thing we can do right now is to love and support the children who sang for us today.  So we did.
The kids, 3 year olds through 6th graders, stood up front and sang their hearts out.  They were dressed in their Christmas best and they all looked adorable. At one point, my mom leaned over and asked "How did Katherine get to be one of the big kids?"  I don't have an answer...  But I could hear her strong, lovely voice leading the others.
They sang a song about the advent candles, Joy to the World, We Three Kings, Mary Had a Baby, and a sweet song called Peaceable Kingdom that spoke of a little child leading. 

Those sweet voices brought us some comfort today. 
When it was time for Away in the Manger, the kids were supposed to stand near Mary and the baby, but face the congregation to sing.  But they didn't.  They were too busy admiring Baby Jesus.  So they sang TO him, instead.  But then again, maybe they had the right idea.