Random December

The girls are busy working on their good deeds.  Rachel is making Christmas decorations and Katherine and Steve are baking cookies.  So I'll take time to record some random conversations from the past week...

First of all, the girls' Christmas lists.  The difference between the two lists makes me laugh!

1. A subscription to a food magazine  [This girls LOVES to cook!]
2. Legos
3. Books
4. "Boy" toys ("You know I always play with the boys at recess, so I like boy toys.")

1. Anything princess
2. Anything Barbie
3. Anything Hello Kitty
4. Anything pink

That pretty much sums them up, don't you think?

Rachel keeps asking me if I have a "naughty list".  I don't, but I'm wondering if maybe I should...  Is she hiding something?
Katherine has become a serious Santa skeptic.  Sigh.  She has made it clear that she does not think any Santa in a store, parade, on TV, etc. is real.  This weekend she asked Granny "If you don't believe in Santa, do you still get presents?"  I asked her about it and she told me that some kids don't believe in him.  I asked what SHE thought.  She paused and then said, "I think he's real, but I wish I had a picture to prove it."

Rachel was playing outside the other day and found a ladybug.  She brought it inside and asked if we could keep her as a pet.  I gave the ladybugs-are-wild-animals-and-need-to-stay-outside speech.  She trotted back out.  Then she came in wanting water for her ladybug because she was "building her a habitat".  I told her no.  Ten minutes later, Rae was back in looking for her bug book.  She drug out a bug book illustrated with kids' drawings of insects and wanted to know how to find out what ladybug eggs looked like.  I convinced her to ask Steve to look it up on the internet and they did.  When I went outside later, I found Rachel crouched over a little circle of stones and grass, watching the poor, cold, confused ladybug crawl around her "habitat".  I think someone is going to get an insect research guide in her stocking!

Rachel has been singing the Christmas carols she is learning for the church program.  Away in the Manger is a little peppier than the usual version, but very sweet.  She also belts out Joy to the World, although the lyrics are a bit muddled.  Cute!