Toddlers say the cutest things…
here are some examples of what they are sying these days:


“Night night spooky.” (referring to the skeleton hanging in our family room)
“Where did daddy go?”
“Ice wader please!” (Ice water Please)
“I dun wan it.” (I don’t want it)
“Treaty kiddy” (treats fir Kitty)
“Bee Boos” (yes, for Boobies)
“I luv voo” ( I love you)
“Daddy kisses”
“Hold you, Please mommy”
“tickle you” (tickle me)
“yo-gut please” (yogurt please)
“go park swing”


“I faww.” (I fall)
“hold you, hold you.”
“ice, ice, ice, ice”
“shoes on, shoes off”
“Bye, Bye mama” (as she grabs her purse and walks to the door)
“I get it.”
“throw baww” (throw ball)
“bite please”
“ice, outside please”
“sissy crying” (Ellie aka “sissy” is crying)
“more, more, more.”
“Pak, sliiide” (Park, slide)
"Cheese!" (while holding up a camera)

I love their little voices and how much we can see their personalities through their newest form of communication. Each and every day is a new phrase! It is so exciting to watch them develop their own expressive language skills and use those skills for a purpose.