Confession of an Op Shop Addict

Came downstairs this morning to this funny picture.  Kids dancing to "I see you baby shakin that .... " with bowls as bottoms. Guess what Bowerbird dad was doing?


Now for some sordid truth.

If you read my post yesterday I mentioned I didn't need any more stuff in my life .
It was time to hold back on this buying business,
Well I think I have a problem,
In fact I know I have,
I went to the op shop yesterday,
And couldn't help myself,
I bought old, 
In fact, a lot of old,
I came home with the red, white, and blue bag!

 This is me exercising restraint! $47.24! ouch.

Poor middle one said their is nothing for me.  But then had a great time reading books and playing with magnets with the little one.

I was confessing to mum on Skype last night, she was laughing at me and telling me I'm hopeless, and then had a few confessions of her own.  I know where I get my problem from - she's just been travelling and has come back with an old ink well, cigar case, cigar cutter (she doesn't smoke), batik, and bought a new skirt and pants. She lives in a flat full of Indonesian treasures and is hopeless at resisting old gems and crafting genius. 

I think collecting is hereditary - fulfilling some deep primal urge - however we should be gathering berries and roots - feathers and rocks - not clutter.

As punishment for my sins I am filling that red blue and white bag to the brim with stuff to go back to the op shop. As I have two new jumpers, I have pulled out all my jumpers and found a maternity one at the bottom, been a while since I cleaned that shelf out. 

Still staying true to the Buy Nothing new Pledge, and Blogtober - on the home stretch now.

Don't forget to enter my giveaway as part of Blogtober, especially if you like birds.